Monday, January 18, 2016

Easy Ways to Involve Your Kids in Household Chores

by Guest Blogger Kaitlin Krull

Making time for household chores can be difficult for even the most motivated of us, but for those of us with children, it can feel like an impossible task. If you struggle to finish a load of dishes, let alone clean the bathroom, it might be time to rethink your cleaning routine. Thankfully, over at Modernize we’ve done some of the work for you. Here are a few ways you can get some of the cleaning done around the house with the help of the kids. No, really. Take a look!

Make your own cleaning supplies
For the environmentally conscious family, traditional cleaning supplies are a no-go when it comes to your household chores. Full of toxins and harmful chemicals, these kinds of products are dangerous to both the environment and your children. Thankfully, making your own cleaning supplies is super easy and can be a task that you and your children complete together (who doesn’t love a bit of chemistry?) when you get together to clean up the house. With a couple of common household items and a few drops of essential oils, you can make your own chemical-free cleaning products that work just as well as their traditional counterparts.

Set a cleaning schedule
If you’re even slightly type A, a regular cleaning schedule that tells you which jobs to complete on which days (or weeks, or months) is a must. Get the kids involved by including them in the cleaning lineup and assigning them specific tasks. If this seems too complicated, why not make them their own miniature schedule so they can keep themselves accountable for their own toys, clothes, food, and self-care items. It will most likely take some regular coaching at the beginning, but if you’re lucky your kids will take to it easily and they just might help you cross a few things off your list.

Keep cleaning jobs accessible
When you’re assigning cleaning duties for the family, make sure you keep it accessible for everyone. While I’m sure this goes without saying, it’s important to remember that your kids are, well, kids, and that dangerous and tough jobs are best left to the grown ups. Smaller, more manageable tasks such as sweeping and dusting are perfect for younger kids, while tidying up toys and even light vacuuming are pretty simple as well. If you really want to get everyone involved, consider investing in a few kid-size cleaning tools such as a Dustbuster and shorter brooms to make the job as straightforward as possible.

Give kids ownership over tasks
In our home we live by this mantra: if it’s yours, it’s your responsibility. While it’s not essential that you make a cleaning schedule for your children, it helps immensely towards their sense of ownership over their playthings. Whether or not you write it down, involving them in the regular tidying and cleanup of their bedroom and playroom helps them to remember that if something is theirs, they are responsible for its maintenance and upkeep. With a little repetition, your kids will get the hang of it and quickly learn how chores (even the boring ones) help to keep their things looking and working their best.

Don’t forget the fun!
Just because you’re cleaning the house doesn’t mean it has to be boring (easier said than done, I know). Keep your kids—and yourself—interested with incentives, rewards, and games throughout the cleaning process. Race to complete your respective cleaning tasks with a special snack or a few minutes of screen time after the job is done (or whichever reward suits you and your kids best). If you have more than one child working on chores at the same time, set them a time limit or job goal and get a real game started. You’ll be surprised at just how much gets done when a little competition gets thrown into the mix. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

My Fresh Express Salad Swap

I was really excited when Moms Meet gave me the opportunity to review Fresh Express Salads. Vegetables are a huge part of my families' meals, and with the CSA season here in PA not started, we are ready and willing to try some new veggies.
The store where I bought my salad had so many amazing options.  The "Spring Mix," "Spinach & Arugula," and "Veggie Lovers spring mix" were my favorites.  My store did not stock any Organic options, but there is an entire line of USDA Organic salads by Fresh Express.

The sample coupons came with some great ideas for taking regular (much higher calorie) dinners and lowering the calories by making them into a salad- it's called a Salad Swap.  You can do your own Salad Swapping at where you can choose your own high calorie cravings and get the recipes for a salad with the same flavor profile. (There's even an app!) Also like Fresh Express on Facebook and follow them on Pinterest for more great recipes and ideas!

 Two of my favorite salad recipes are combining salad with a high protein option.  In my photos I made some easy baked chicken tenders, but I also love the very easy option of opening a BPA free can of tuna, draining it, and just dumping it on the salad.  I get my veggies while still getting the protein boost that I need to keep running all day!  Get a coupon for yourself right now on

What's your favorite way to eat salad?

Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms MeetSM program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms MeetSM blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


There's just something about a package in the mail.  The big truck pulls up, and the kids have to run to the window to see, "Is it for us?!  Are they coming to our house?!  Well, this particular day, it was our package, and as I unpacked the huge cooler full of yogurt, oh, they were in their bliss.  I mentioned that they would have to wait for me to take pictures, but when they found out that one of the flavors delivered was Cotton Candy, "Oh please mommy, just one!"  And so it was that two new YoYummy fans were born!

Over the next few days we tried all of the flavors, mixed berry, strawberry, strawberry banana, and the famous cotton candy.  We had YoYummy for snack, then the next day we had YoYummy for breakfast, and I packed YoYummy in lunches, in fact, I'm not sure there was a meal which YoYummy was not requested for the next few days- that huge sample that they sent us didn't last long!

The great thing about YoYummy is that it isn't your normal processed junk filled with chemicals.  Instead, it has 10 percent less sugar than the leading national brand kids’ yogurt. The sweetness comes from real fruits and berries, so I feel great about giving this product to my family. The ingredient list is free of high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, additives, and preservatives, which is a must in my house. In addition, they are made with made with Grade-A rBST-free Vermont milk, is a good source of calcium, and is rich in vitamin A and D.  Although I am disappointed that this delicious product isn't Organic, I am pleased with the rest of the ingredients.  I was also glad to know that the packaging is BPA free.  I will definitely be buying this product again!

Visit for new flavors, coloring pages, and coupons, and while you are there, don't forget to vote for the cow's name!  YoYummy is also on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.  

Thank you so much to Green Moms Meet for the opportunity to try this amazing product!

Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms MeetSM program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms MeetsSM blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thank You Lord

..for you Lord who loves me far beyond what I deserve.

...for being together with family.  There's nothing that brings joy to my heart like family gathering.

...for my health, and I am so thankful for a healthy family as well.

...for a safe and warm place to live.  My blessings far exceed these basic necessities, but I never want to forget that no matter what problems come up, many of them are nothing compared to what many families have to live through.

...for holiday traditions.

...for a recent transformation in Ana. I love that the sweet lovely girl who I know is shining through to others. I have seen her confidence grow in the past few months, and I am thankful for her preschool teachers and high school helpers for creating such a nurturing environment where she can really flourish!

...for a clean house!

...for the sweet little voices that my girls have.  The little "cartoon character:" voices won't last forever, so I'll enjoy them while I can!

...for the ability to play music.  From the moment I heard a friend playing piano when I was in grade school, I knew that I wanted to make amazing sounds too.  There's something so other-worldly about it- to forget about myself, and to just listen and play...

...for friends new and old.  To share smiles and memories and kids and even hard times makes friends so important.

...for my sweet dog Shady.  She's the best dog ever.  Enough said.

...for my new healthy eating challenge group. My friend Nina has been an inspiration.  I physically feel so good eating clean!

...and with that being said, I'm still thanking You, Lord, for Thanksgiving dessert!  (Celebrations mean you get to eat sugar and other goodies!)

...for my Scott.  From working hard at his job to washing the dishes on Thanksgiving day, he's our family's wonderful example of a Christ-like man.  I have watched him sacrifice what he would want for our family so often, and it has not gone unnoticed.  He is my true love, and I'm so blessed to live each day with him.

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:29-31

Reader, please let me know in the comment section- What are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving day?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's Summer and Eco Kids

I said good-bye to my puppy this weekend.  Ana cries and cries when she thinks about how she misses him. He was the most gentle and loving lab I've ever known, and I'll never forget holding him in my hands the day he was born.  We used to give some of our puppies silly names before we sold them, and he was "Load" because he was the big guy of the litter.  When it was time to name him he was Fallon-  Fallon's Load of Rox.

It was fitting to spend the last day with him in the yard where he spent his 14 years.  The kids played and had fun, but they would stop to lovingly pet him and say a prayer for him. Yesterday when we stood and looked at his grave, the tears came, but standing there in the peaceful sunset it felt right to go on gardening and playing and doing all of the things that we did just a few days earlier when he was still with us.  Although there were tears, there were lots of smiles too- and popsicles.  Our old guy would have approved.


Please join me for the Eco-Kids Linky!  I hope that you'll share some great family-friendly posts that are also friendly for the environment. Some ideas include:
  •  Nature Activities
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Crafts made with re-purposed or recycled materials
  • Sewing and DIY home projects
  • Science Experiments
  • Posts on environmental issues for kids or families
  • Non-toxic living
  • Homeopathic Remedies
Eco-Kids Tuesdays is co-hosted by Organic Aspirations and Like Mama~Like Daughter. This means that anything you link-up shows up on both blogs!
Feel free to link up several of your posts.

There are only a few rules:

Please follow both co-hostess' blogs, and visit some of the other posts and give them some encouragement!   Please stick to posts and photos not giveaways or items for sale.

By linking up, you are agreeing that Organic Aspirations or Like Mama~Like Daughter can feature your photos next week with a link back to your site.  

 Please link back to my site using this button:

<a href="
 /search/label/Eco%20Kids" target="_blank"><img
src="" alt="Organic Aspirations" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gardening and Eco Kids

Last summer I shared each week of the CSA share that I received.  This year the share is no less promising- it's even more packed with goodness, but I have to share a picture of my own crop from this year.  My family has been living on lettuce from the farm mixed with this spicy mix that we harvested from our own garden!  

I transplanted about 50 tomato plants just last week, so I'm hoping for lots of great tomato products to can this year!

What are you hopeful for from your garden this year?  


Please join me for the Eco-Kids Linky!  I hope that you'll share some great family-friendly posts that are also friendly for the environment. Some ideas include:
  •  Nature Activities
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Crafts made with re-purposed or recycled materials
  • Sewing and DIY home projects
  • Science Experiments
  • Posts on environmental issues for kids or families
  • Non-toxic living
  • Homeopathic Remedies
Eco-Kids Tuesdays is co-hosted by Organic Aspirations and Like Mama~Like Daughter. This means that anything you link-up shows up on both blogs!
Feel free to link up several of your posts.

There are only a few rules:

Please follow both co-hostess' blogs, and visit some of the other posts and give them some encouragement!   Please stick to posts and photos not giveaways or items for sale.

By linking up, you are agreeing that Organic Aspirations or Like Mama~Like Daughter can feature your photos next week with a link back to your site.  

 Please link back to my site using this button:

<a href="
 /search/label/Eco%20Kids" target="_blank"><img
src="" alt="Organic Aspirations" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It's June! and Eco Kids

So, May was a crazy month for me, but we had a great time anyway! Here's a little montage of what we've been up to.

 We had a great time at the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden Plant Sale (even though I think I killed some of my new plants!)
 They made necklaces from wood from the garden.

 My daughter loves Care Bears, so we've enjoyed hunting the flea market for vintage bears.  This one was 50 cents!
 I made some wall art!
 I love when it's still cool enough for pansies.

 This was her last day as a one year old!
 They loved the parade...

 ...but the loud sirens made them want to cuddle with Mommy.
We fit in a little geocaching (but we didn't find the cache!)
 Addie's party had simple decorations a la Soule Mama.
I love iris.  They remind me of the beloved time spent on my uncle's farm in Tennessee.


Please join me for the Eco-Kids Linky!  I hope that you'll share some great family-friendly posts that are also friendly for the environment. Some ideas include:
  •  Nature Activities
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Crafts made with re-purposed or recycled materials
  • Sewing and DIY home projects
  • Science Experiments
  • Posts on environmental issues for kids or families
  • Non-toxic living
  • Homeopathic Remedies
Eco-Kids Tuesdays is co-hosted by Organic Aspirations and Like Mama~Like Daughter. This means that anything you link-up shows up on both blogs!
Feel free to link up several of your posts.

There are only a few rules:

Please follow both co-hostess' blogs, and visit some of the other posts and give them some encouragement!   Please stick to posts and photos not giveaways or items for sale.

By linking up, you are agreeing that Organic Aspirations or Like Mama~Like Daughter can feature your photos next week with a link back to your site.  

 Please link back to my site using this button:

<a href="
 /search/label/Eco%20Kids" target="_blank"><img
src="" alt="Organic Aspirations" width="125" height="125" /></a>