Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bedtime Stories

A "Book Nook" for my Ana!

Bedtime stories are my favorite time with the kids.  It's fun to laugh and read and cuddle.  Ana loves to sit on "mommy's bed" and read book after book.  Some of our favorite authors are Sandra Boynton, Eric Carle, and Helen Oxenbury. Her two favorite books though, are Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones, and Goodnight Moon (AKA "Night-a Moon").  Looking for the little mouse on each page delights her. 

Clarence's favorite book was one that he found at Trader Jack's for twety five cents. It was called Manana Iguana, and it was an adorable variation of the story of "The Little Red Hen."  When it came to bedtime story selection, Clarence would accept no substitute.  Scott would read the characters' voices with a Mexican accent, and it brings back wonderful memories to think of all of the times we read this book.  We all had it memorized.

My favorite book to read with Max and Xavier (pictured above) is Alexander Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday.  Max told me that his favorite bedtime story is one about dinosaurs, and Xavier said that  Miami Mice  is his favorite.  Although both of those are great, I roll on the ground laughing when I read about Alexander.  It's such perfect picture of a grumpy little boy and his little boy choices. 

All in all, no matter what happens in the day, there is always bedtime stories to bring us together.  Despite any setbacks or trouble, bedtime stories give us time to laugh, talk, and cuddle together.

What are some of your family's favorite bedtime stories?

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