Friday, January 11, 2013

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.  Feel free to add a link to your moment in the comments. Inspired by soulemama.  

Sled Riding at Dusk

My daughter Ana and I reviewed her favorite book, and our review is being featured today at Mother Daughter Book Reviews.  Come on over and hear about a great book!


  1. Fun!!! Your girls are so sweet! My {this moment} is a brand new six month old and her newest obsession!

  2. Great pictures, especially love the chalk. Looks like you had as much fun drawing as them. Have a great weekend!
    xoxo tiffani

  3. Oh my cuteness! What a button she is! I am so charmed by that sweet face :)
