Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thank You Lord

...for fresh food.  It's wonderful having such an abundance.  When I panic that we have too much and it will go bad, I just start inviting people over to eat it!

...for Ana's new interest in who You are God.  I love that she sat enraptured in The Light of the World: The Life of Jesus for Children.  We were both moved to tears over your loving sacrifice for us.

...for making up time lost with friends.

...for picnics.

...for all that you are.  The First and the Last.  The Alpha and Omega.  The Beginning and the End.

...for chubby toddler faces and sweet toddler words.  "Who wants a cookie?" "Me!" We were giving out the cookies just to hear it again!

...for a bright future!

...for all of those who take time to read what I have to say.

I joined the link-up with:

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  1. Thank you for sharing your sweet spirit with are such a gift!

    1. Thank YOU for the link up! I think it's great!

  2. What a wonderful way to connect with our earth through food, I'm the same way about food being wasted...luckily we have chickens who will gladly finish our surplus of

    1. I remember having chickens as a child and giving them all the scraps. Now I've started composting, but I would still rather eat the food. lol

  3. Your gardens looks lovely and lush. Food from the earth, grown and then prepared with our own hands is the best kind of food and tastes sooooo delish!

    1. Thank you! I hope the food the garden produces is just as wonderful as the plants look! This is only my first year. I have high hopes for next year too!

  4. BECKI--
    I am thinking I need to bring my crew over for a visit in your back yard!!!! Think we could do that? I am so lovin' your space, lady!
