Saturday, November 24, 2012

An Eco- Friendly Christmas: Real Tree Vs. Fake Tree

We started decorating for Christmas today.  I love doing it nice and early so that we have lots of time to get in the Christmas Spirit and enjoy the festive decorations.  The disappointing part of the day, however, was that for the seventh year in a row, I lost the real tree vs. fake tree battle.  I brought it up bright and early about my desire for a real tree, and I was promised a real tree next year.  Wait.  Didn't we have that same conversation LAST year?  Hmph.

So, why do I want a real tree anyway?

Fake Trees:
  • Are made from PVC plastic which is the worst type of plastic for the environment.
  • Are usually made in China, who does not have laws to protect their workers from the cancer causing dioxins, ethylene dichloride, and vinyl chloride which are by-products of PVC.
  • May contain LEAD.  (I just realized this now AFTER spending an entire day decorating with my daughter!)
  • Can cause allergies from dust and mold accumulating during year-long storage.
  • Last on average 6 years and then spend thousands or more in a landfill.

Next year my ultimate goal will be to get a real local organic blue spruce with the roots in tact.  By re-planting the tree, I can save the impact of having to compost or shred the tree.  By choosing organic, I will spare my children exposure to seven years of pesticides, and if the tree does have to be disposed of, it will also shave the local watersheds from pesticides.

What is your family's Christmas tree tradition?

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Eco Friendly Christmas: Stocking Stuffer Ideas

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Eco Friendly Christmas: Lights

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  1. We are going Christmas tree hunting today. (if my husband gets home form work in time.he was called in again :( ) Anyway, we live in the Wyoming Mts and we love going as a family to find the perfect tree. you should come with us!! Don't give up on that battle to get a real one.

    1. I think next year's a go for the real thing! We talked last night, and I'll do my research so that next year's Friday after Thanksgiving, we can already know what we're doing! :) Thanks for the invite, but that would be a loooooong drive from Pittsburgh just for a tree!

  2. Thanks for sharing this. Here is a Christmas tradition that a friend passed on to us that we absolutely love - - a small, real tree to replant.

  3. Real Tree every time for us for both our house and our holiday homes here at Coombe mill. I just can't face a pretend tree.

  4. I always lose that battle, but my husband is an electrical engineer and pulls fire safety on me. He is very paranoid of fire so we cannot have a real tree or for that matter Christmas lights outside. However, I can definitely say our tree is much older than six years old since it was old when we got married six years ago and we still love it. However the two positives of fake that I see are that you can not put some of the back bottom branches in so it doesn't take as much space and you can put it up nice and early and not worry about it drying out. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  5. Such a informative post with lots of things to think about. We tend to go back and forth, because my hubby gripes about the mess a real tree makes. LOL A potted tree would solve that problem. There is nothing better than picking out a real Christmas tree with the family!! Thank you so much for sharing at It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas party! We are so thrilled to have you join in the fun!! Your newest follower, too!


  6. We're on our third fake tree in 35 years of marriage; I'm a bit comforted in knowing that's longer than six years each. I suspect it will be the last one we purchase, thanks to a decision six years ago to live healthier. I also have a real wreath and hope this early Christmas gift is the beginning of a new tradition.

  7. I think that this is really a nice blog with good pictures.This blog tells us regarding real vs fake christmas trees .I think that this is really a good one topic.I have never found it before in any Google search.I really thanks to you for this great job.Keep it up.I have saved your link in my note book for next blog.Will you response me?

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